Pyramid Analytics has reported all round growth in the past year, marked by increased customer base – which has been tripling every year in the last three years, and doubled workforce.
“The market is rapidly evolving from departmental BI to more mature, cross-departmental BI for the enterprise,” notes Omri Kohl, co-founder and CEO of Pyramid Analytics. “The responses from our customers gave us a ‘big mover’ advantage in the Garter MQ, validating that our governed data discovery platform offers all users the necessary assurance that the data they are working with provides everyone with the same version of the truth.”
The Amsterdam based, global outfit hired finance veteran Micha Ben Chorin as chief financial officer recently. The Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, conducted annually, published in February this year, has designated Pyramid Analytics as a strong performer on the governed data discovery stage.
Pyramid has also been recognized in the 2014 BARC report by business intelligence industry peers, among OLAP Analysis and Data Discovery vendors, as leading in 16 unique categories and significantly ranked in many others, the company noted in an announcement Tuesday.
Pyramid Analytics’ self-service advanced business intelligence technology for easy access to analytics, reporting and dashboards finds customers in “hundreds of thousands of users in large public, private and Fortune 500 enterprises,” including banks, insurance and healthcare MNCs. Organizations like the US Department of Veteran Affairs, Victorinox Swiss Army, Voith, and Siemens, it claims.
Photo credit: Bruno Girin / Foter / CC BY-SA