The unbelievable Machine Company – Dataconomy Bridging the gap between technology and business Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:41:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The unbelievable Machine Company – Dataconomy 32 32 Data Thinking meets Data Natives – A New White Paper by *um Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:00:33 +0000 “Data is part of our new cultural identity, transforming the way we communicate, learn and interact.” – This is the credo of the Data Natives conference, and one of the speakers at the event, Klaas Bollhoefer from The unbelievable Machine Company (*um), is taking it one step further: He adds that data must be a […]]]>

“Data is part of our new cultural identity, transforming the way we communicate, learn and interact.” – This is the credo of the Data Natives conference, and one of the speakers at the event, Klaas Bollhoefer from The unbelievable Machine Company (*um), is taking it one step further: He adds that data must be a fundamental part of the mindset of any company today. Approaching things from a data point of view and realigning processes is crucial for achieving successful digitalization and sustainability.  

Digital transformation starts in your head

The specifics of digital transformation will be shown by the *um Chief Data Scientist and data thinker in his presentation “The Art of Data Maturity Modeling @ Metro Group”. He will be using the business group to explain how a modern mindset can enable and advance real data projects and how companies can use the Data Leadership Process Model (*umDLPM) as a navigation aid for their digital transformation.

You can receive this guidance as a white paper, too

If you want to know more in advance, then we recommend you download the white paper “Data Thinking: A guide to success in the digital age”. It introduces you to the new advisory approach and provides decision makers with a step-by-step guide to success, from initiating fundamental ways of thinking all the way to becoming a digitally sovereign company. Using the practice-oriented and tested *umDLPM, the paper explains the steps a company needs to take in order to navigate and successfully achieve its own digital development – rather than simply react to the market and competition.

Download it for free here.

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Image: Mark B. Schlemmer

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Data Science with a Punk Attitude Fri, 16 Oct 2015 11:36:48 +0000 In addition to his work with The unbelievable Machine Company, Klaas Bollhöffer is father of the Data Science Day (DSDay), coordinator of the Big Data Week 2013 in Berlin, and member of several program committees for Big Data / Data Science conferences in Europe.   We are proud to have Klaas presenting at Data Natives 2015! […]]]>

KlaasIn addition to his work with The unbelievable Machine Company, Klaas Bollhöffer is father of the Data Science Day (DSDay), coordinator of the Big Data Week 2013 in Berlin, and member of several program committees for Big Data / Data Science conferences in Europe.


We are proud to have Klaas presenting at Data Natives 2015!


You come from a background of project management and user experience design, how did that lead you to working with data?

In 2011, Ravin Mehta, founder and CEO of The unbelievable Machine Company (*um) approached me and asked: “Klaas, do you wanna initiate and develop Big Data at *um?”. Honestly, at that time I didn´t know anything about Big Data and said “Ravin, what exactly is Big Data?”. He replied: “Well, I am sure nobody really knows!”. And I was hooked!!

I am engineer by studies, a creative guy by heart and at that time a manager and concept designer by profession. For me, especially looking back today, the ideal fit to create a new business, new service offerings in probably any IT-related field or industry. But especially in the groundbreaking field of data. Of course I studied computer sciences and mathematics but I have never been a fantastic coder or machine learner. I am an allrounder and bridge business requirements to data and back. Exactly what a concept or UX designer is actually doing. 😉

When did you first recognize that working with data was your passion?

To be honest here, working with data is not my passion. Music is, creating ideas and new solutions is, managing change and cultivating digital pieces of land is. I see myself as a learner, a teacher, a communicator, an initiator and as a kind of “dog fly” when it comes to really getting data projects done.

What kind of problems do you tackle at The unbelievable Machine Company?

All sorts of. We don´t have a special industry or technology focus. A lot of problems we tackle are machine learning (even deep learning) or operational intelligence issues. But we also deal with search engines, optimize human-data-interfaces by creating visualisations or business dashboards, develop custom machine-learning as a service solutions in our *umCloud infrastructure, do trainings, design thinking workshops and C-level one on ones or – at the moment – focus a lot on the industrial internet and automization.

Of all the projects you’ve been a part of, do any stick in your mind as being particularly challenging or taking exceptional creativity to solve?

Dealing with deep learning techniques is of course really challenging (and fun) at the moment, and working on first projects this year for an international client of ours was not always that easy. We did 2 steps, 1 step back, 2 steps, 1 step back for quite a long time and failed quite often talking e.g. about quality metrics… but in the end we came out with a really groundbreaking application for our client (strong NDAs here, sorry…) and learned an awesome lot in applying deep learning to different real world problems.

What have been the major turning points in your progress as a data scientist? Any particularly valuable lessons or epiphanies along the way?

Good question and difficult to answer as I have the feeling that I am always changing in my day to day business. By far the most relevant turning point was as we saw that data science as a service was working and was generating sustainable business. That happened roundabout middle of 2014. My team started growing (from 3 in the middle of 2014 to 15 at the moment, constantly growing). The projects got bigger and more and more interesting. Machine learning was (at least a bit) more and more understood and in demand and we successfully started new teams in data engineering, consulting and operations. Pretty amazing year actually. The most valuable lesson for me was: “If you really believe in something, it will happen!”. It might take more time than you expect, but if you go on, work hard, be creative and open to change and have a – let´s call it – data (or digital) mindset you are able to become an enabler and a person others trust. We entered a spaceship some time ago and so far it didn´t even start. 2016 will be really amazing and crazy, trust me.

[bctt tweet=”‘If you really believe in something, it will happen!’ – @klabol”]

What advice would you give to young professionals looking to find their feet in data science or related disciplines?

Start today! Do not do a master or PhD for a few years (you can do later if you really feel you need it), go to meetups and other community events, talk to data scientists and people in the field, do a coursera course or become part of e.g. Data Science Retreat, learn, play and fail in Kaggle competitions and so on and so on. Just do it! And do it yourself! DIY – the old punk attitude is what´s needed. Add a few months, a few good people you’ll meet and you can start doing data science in an interesting field and company very, very soon!

[bctt tweet=”The old punk attitude is what´s needed. – @klabol”]

Which companies individuals inspire you, and keep you motivated to achieve great things?

I am a musician by heart and get inspired by great artists, writers and musicians. Lemmy, Turbostaat, Thomas Bernhard, Wittgenstein, Banksy, you name it! But most of my motivation is intrinsic and just a part of me. I am a natural born curiosity-seeker.

(image credit: Francisco Huguenin Uhlfelder , CC2.0)

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Data Science Day Wants to Hear from You! Thu, 04 Sep 2014 12:28:26 +0000 The 7th Data Science Day is hitting Berlin on the 30th October, hosted by Zalando and The Unbelievable Machine Company. The event is entitled “What´s next in Data Science? – or: just a bunch of really hot stuff!!!” If that amount of exclamation marks isn’t enough to get you excited, I don’t what is. For […]]]>

The 7th Data Science Day is hitting Berlin on the 30th October, hosted by Zalando and The Unbelievable Machine Company. The event is entitled “What´s next in Data Science? – or: just a bunch of really hot stuff!!!” If that amount of exclamation marks isn’t enough to get you excited, I don’t what is.

For the uninitiated, Data Science Day is a community-driven 1-day event for Berlin’s data science enthusiasts. Whether you’re working with or simply fascinated by big data, all are welcome. The 7th Data Science Day will have a more community driven focus; if you have a great talk, workshop or showcase, the DSD guys want to hear from you.

Whether your idea is a quick lightning talk, a 2-hour workshop, or almost anything in between, the organisers are looking for innovative ideas in all shapes and sizes. They also want to know about Your Favourite Algorithm; if you have a burning passion for a particular algorithm and want to share it with the world in a five-minute talk, be sure to get in touch with klaas.bollhoefer(at)

For those of you who merely wish to spectate, be sure to put the 30th October in your calendars and check out the full details here. We hope to see you there!

(Image Credit: Data Science Day #6)

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Klaas Bollhoefer from The unbelievable Machine Company talks with Dataconomy Tue, 27 May 2014 12:30:41 +0000 We met up with Klaas Bollhoefer in Berlin. Klaas works as a Data Scientist & Big Data Evangelist with The unbelievable Machine Company GmbH. He is father of the Data Science Day (DSDay), coordinator of the Big Data Week 2013 in Berlin, member of several program committees for Big Data / Data Science conferences in […]]]>

We met up with Klaas Bollhoefer in Berlin. Klaas works as a Data Scientist & Big Data Evangelist with The unbelievable Machine Company GmbH. He is father of the Data Science Day (DSDay), coordinator of the Big Data Week 2013 in Berlin, member of several program committees for Big Data / Data Science conferences in Europe, author & speaker. Before that he worked as a freelance creative consultant, scrum master & manager, director user experience and as a senior IT project manager for well-known internet agencies. Side projects include: lecturer at several universities (in Berlin, Cologne, Siegen) on agile project management, creative leadership & social data. Klaas is interested in punk music, brilliant ideas, world travels and silence.

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